
Best Products for Hyperpigmentation


Best Products for Hyperpigmentation

Pigmentation is more common than you think. Luckily, as are brightening agents for an even skin tone! We understand what a struggle dark spots and scarring can be. That’s why we’ve concocted a list for your convenience; take a look at our top 5 best products for hyperpigmentation below.

Ready, Set, Retinol

Be it resolving acne, improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, or correcting discolouration, retinol can do it all. This Vitamin A derivative is among the most effective skincare heroes in the game, but beware: the higher the concentration, the harsher the formulation is. If your skin is prone to redness, flaking, and irritation, be sure to offset the side effects with a great moisturizer. Our favourite is the Vivier Daily Age-Defying moisturizer, as pictured below!

(Psst… double-tap above to reach our skincare page!)

Ascorbic Acid (AKA medical-grade Vitamin C)

Not only does this antioxidant provide protection against UV exposure and skin-damaging free radicals, but it also halts melanin production in the skin. In turn, hyperpigmentation and brown spots lighten, skin tone evens, and glow is restored!

Arbutin is Always In

Much like Ascorbic Acid, Arbutin prevents melanin formation in the skin. The bearberry-extracted molecule is highly effective at fading scars and brightening, and is especially safe for sensitive skin types thanks to its slow-releasing active component. Combine with Vitamin C and AHAs to maximize the benefits of the best products for hyperpigmentation!

Glycolic Acid

The smallest of all AHAs, Glycolic Acid easily penetrates the skin where it works all kinds of magic. Due to its exfoliating properties, Glycolic Acid is often used in acne and pigmentation treating peels. Moreover, it’s proven fantastic at thickening skin and reducing fine lines! Here’s a pro tip- Glycolic Acid increases sun sensitivity, so be sure to follow up with SPF, especially with AM use.

Azelaic Acid

Last but not least, Azelaic Acid is the Holy Grail skin-lightening agent for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and acne scarring. Often combined with retinoids, Azelaic Acid is a gentler exfoliant than Glycolic acid and is unlikely to trigger any sensitivity. Apart from interfering with melanin production to lighten dark spots, this pigment correct doubles as an antibacterial antioxidant and is also pro at clearing clogged pores! We love a multipurpose product, especially when it’s one of the best products for hyperpigmentation.


Taking action is the key to clear and radiant skin. We always recommend staying proactive by applying a good sunscreen with a minimum 50 SPF throughout the day.

If you’re interested in incorporating any of the above pigment correctors into your regimen, but are unsure which is best for your skin type, don’t hesitate to book a FREE consult with our professionals. Click here or text (647)622-0850 , and one of our skinthusiasts will be happy to assist.